Hi everyone It was great seeing so many people at the Christmas meetup at Netnods office last year. Now it’s time for new events and there are two meetups planned next month. Nordic Domain Days is ready to take off in Stockholm May 8th to 9th. We have some limited sponsor tickets that we would like to share with members of ns.se If you are sure you can attend, please register here using this code: SE-NDD-2023-NSSE https://nordicdomaindays.com/register Tuesday will be mostly tech focused and Mats Dufberg from Internetstiftelsen will have a talk about Zonemaster and the results from testing all .se domains. May 11th, ICANN, Netnod and Internetstiftelsen will host a joint after work meet up in Malmö at Goto10 which is open for everyone. https://www.goto10.se/event/learn-to-know-some-of-the-internets-key-players/ Kind regards Kristian Ørmen Internetstiftelsen +46 765607953<tel:+46765607953> https://internetstiftelsen.se<https://internetstiftelsen.se/> Besöksadress: Hammarby Kaj 10D, Stockholm Postadress: Box 92073, 120 07 Stockholm