

För DNSSEC 101 vet jag inte vem som prata, men på andra mötet presentera alla registries vad dom gör för främja dnssec.





From: Lars-Johan Liman <liman@netnod.se>
Date: Thursday, 14 October 2021 at 11:35
To: Ulrich Wisser <ulrich.wisser@internetstiftelsen.se>
Cc: ns.se@lists.iis.se <ns.se@lists.iis.se>
Subject: Re: [Ns.se] DNSSEC in the Nordic region - webinars with ICANN


Nyfiket: Vet du vem (person) som håller föredragen?

                                Glada hälsningar

ulrich.wisser@internetstiftelsen.se 2021-10-13 11:53 [+0000]:
> Hej!
> Jag hoppas att några av er kommer vara intresserad av detta.
> Kanske en kollega som är in behov av DNSSEC 101?
> Hälsningar
> /Ulrich

> DNSSEC in the Nordic region - webinars with ICANN
> We would like to take the opportunity to inform all registrars about
> the upcoming virtual DNSSEC webinars which ICANN is coordinating this
> autumn.

> ·         DNSSEC 101 for the Nordics – November 1, 2021
> To protect DNS data, it is important for DNS operators to understand
> DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC). This course will discuss the DNSSEC
> concepts in detail covering the signing and validation of DNS data.
> More information and registration are available at
> https://features.icann.org/event/icann-organization/dnssec-101-nordics

> ·         DNSSEC in the Nordics – November 17, 2021
> This webinar will focus on how the five Nordic country code Top Level
> Domain (ccTLD) operators .dk, .fi, .is, .no and .se have tackled the
> implementation of DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC) and its current
> state in the region. More information and registration are available
> at
> https://features.icann.org/event/icann-organization/dnssec-nordics

> --
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> Ns.se@lists.iis.se
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