Adressen är ns.se@lists.iis.se Du får slåss med Nicklas om vem som ska skriva mejl. (Jag satsar mina pengar på dig Mats.) /Ulrich From: Mats Dufberg <mats.dufberg@internetstiftelsen.se> Date: Friday, 10 December 2021 at 15:34 To: Nicklas Pousette <nicklas.pousette@internetstiftelsen.se>, Ulrich Wisser <ulrich.wisser@internetstiftelsen.se> Subject: Om zonemaster-releasen till DNS-referensgruppslistan Kan jag skicka ut om Zonemaster-releasen till DNS-referensgruppslistan? Kan det vara på svenska eller måste det vara på engelska? Kan jag skicka ut det, eller ska någon av er göra det? Vilken är mailadressen till listan? Mats -- --- Mats Dufberg mats.dufberg@internetstiftelsen.se Technical Expert Internetstiftelsen (The Swedish Internet Foundation) Mobile: +46 73 065 3899 https://internetstiftelsen.se/ From: Mats Dufberg <mats.dufberg@internetstiftelsen.se> Date: Monday, 6 December 2021 at 12:07 To: "zonemaster-users@lists.iis.se" <zonemaster-users@lists.iis.se> Subject: New release of Zonemaster, v2021.2 A new release of Zonemaster is now available for download and installation. The reference installation https://zonemaster.net/ will also be updated shortly (announcement will come here). The release contains added features and fixes. We want to lift up the following items. For full information go to the release pages at Github, starting with https://github.com/zonemaster/zonemaster/releases * Zonemaster-CLI is now available on Docker. Using Docker, Zonemaster-CLI can also be run on Windows and MacOS. Besides Docker, no installation is needed. If you want to try Zonemaster-CLI on Docker, go to https://github.com/zonemaster/zonemaster-cli/blob/master/USING.md * The test cases of CDS and CDNSKEY has now been completed by test case DNSSEC18. Several other test cases have been updated and improved. Both specification and implementation has been updated. See the Github release pages. * The most visible improvement is in GUI. The color setting, error messages and language handling has been improved considerable. GUI has a better user interface. Unless you do your own installation, you can check it out when zonemaster.net has been updated. * CentOS has been replaced by Rocky Linux as supported OS. Zonemaster is now only supported on the latest version of each OS, but it can still work on other versions, as well as other Unix type OSs. https://github.com/zonemaster/zonemaster#supported-operating-system-versions If you find any issue with the new release or its documentation, please create a Github issue or send an email about it. Suggestions for improvement are also welcome. Please create a Github issue for those. -- --- Mats Dufberg mats.dufberg@internetstiftelsen.se Technical Expert Internetstiftelsen (The Swedish Internet Foundation) Mobile: +46 73 065 3899 https://internetstiftelsen.se/