Message in English follow. Hej alla, The Interim Trust Anchor Repository, ITAR, tas ur bruk. Från och med den 4 november tas inga nya registreringar emot. Senare under november, preliminärt den 18, kommer existerande registreringar att tas bort och funktionen kommer att stängas av helt i januari nästa år. Den som använder ITAR bör sluta med det så snart som möjligt. Ni rekommenderas att i stället använda den signerade rotzonen. För mer information, se meddelande från ICANN nedan. Med vänlig hälsning Anne-Marie Eklund Löwinder Kvalitets- och säkerhetschef .SE (Stiftelsen för Internetinfrastruktur) Adress: Ringvägen 100 Postadress: Box 7399, 103 91 Stockholm Växel: 08-452 35 00 Direkt: 08-452 35 17 Mobil: 0734-31 53 10 E-post: anne-marie.eklund-lowinder@iis.se Webbplats: http://www.iis.se Hi all, The Interim Trust Anchor Repository, ITAR, is being retired from service. From November 4th no new listings are accepted. Later during November, preliminary the 18th, existing listings will be removed and the entire service will be turned off in January next year. Those who are using the ITAR service should discontinue using it as soon as possible. You are recommended to use the signed DNS rot zone. For more information, see message from ICANN below. Kind regards, Anne-Marie Eklund Löwinder Quality & Security Manager .SE (The Internet Infrastructure Foundation), PO Box 7399, SE-103 91 Stockholm, Sweden Phone: +46 (0)8-452 35 00/17 Mobile: +46 (0)734 315 310 E-mail: anne-marie.eklund-lowinder@iis.se Web: http://www.iis.se .SE (The Internet Infrastructure Foundation) is responsible for the top-level Swedish Internet’s domain, .se. .SE is an independent public utility standing on two legs: domain name operations and development of the Internet.
-----Ursprungligt meddelande----- Från: dnssec-deployment-bounces@dnssec-deployment.org [mailto:dnssec- deployment-bounces@dnssec-deployment.org] För Kim Davies Skickat: den 4 november 2010 20:25 Till: dnssec-deployment@dnssec-deployment.org Ämne: [Dnssec-deployment] End of Life Notice for ITAR
Dear colleagues,
The Interim Trust Anchor Repository is now being retired from service. Starting today, no new listings will be accepted by the service. Later this month, existing listings will be removed; with the entire service turned off early next year.
*** If you are using the ITAR service, please discontinue using it as soon *** *** as possible. We recommend you transition to using the signed DNS root *** *** zone. ***
Since the beginning of 2009, ICANN has operated a service known as the Interim Trust Anchor Repository (ITAR). This allowed top-level domain operators who use DNSSEC to publish their trust anchor in absence of a signed DNS root zone. On 15 July 2010, the DNS root zone was signed, and in the following months TLD operators have transitioned to using it. With the last remaining TLDs transitioning to the signed root zone, the ITAR is no longer required.
The service was a successful bottom-up collaboration with the Internet community. ICANN was asked to operate the service to help DNSSEC adoption during its initial phases. During its lifetime, the ITAR supported over a hundred listing requests for dozens of top-level domains that were early adopters of DNSSEC. The operational experience ICANN gained in operating ITAR also helped inform the roll-out of the signed DNS root zone.
The expected date for existing listings to be removed is 18 November 2010, with the service fully retired in January 2011. These dates are subject to adjustment based on operational requirements or community feedback.
With kindest regards,
Kim Davies Manager, Root Zone Services ICANN
* Anne-Marie Eklund-Lowinder <anne-marie.eklund-lowinder@iis.se> * 0x42B1CF94(L)